A Tale of Timber…

If you're still not convinced, then here's a tale of why timber is the most suitable choice of material for your windows and doors... Environmentally Friendly...Wood and CO2 are natural partners. Trees absorb CO2 as they grow so the more forests we plant the more CO2 we can absorb. Sustainable...Modern forestry means that the planting and [...]

Understanding our clients and the trends which shape the Homebuilding Sector

As a means of ensuring that we provide the best possible service for our clients, at Stanbrook & Nicholson we strive to make a concerted effort to better understand the ever-changing trends which shape the homebuilding sector, and our consumers' needs. Whilst a set of timber windows and aluminum doors may not mean much to [...]

Environmentally friendly hardwood?

Hardwood is a word that usually has negative connotations with respect to growth and felling practices of less scrupulous companies in South America.  For a long time, companies like ours were only able to purchase hardwood that was at best 70% FSC.  That basically means that only a portion of the timber was environmentally harvested [...]